Benefits Of Integrating Mobile Project Management Systems

Decades back during 1980s project managers used to sit down at their whining and buzzing desktop computer clicking keyboards and inputting mysterious commands for keeping track on the status of any project.

With technological developments today checking on project status has become easier and much better. And in this era if you are still stuck with your desktop project management software then you need to upgrade yourself else you will be missing out several benefits of mobile project management apps.


Want to know what all benefits you can obtain out of mobile project management apps? Then keep on  reading:

Benefits of mobile project management apps

Mobile project management apps with its competitive approach allows its users to stay on top of project updates, communicate efficiently with each other from anywhere and get access to several advanced features quickly and easily.


Let’s take a closer look into the benefits below:

  • Updating Projects Become Easier

Let us consider a scenario where your site supervisor goes out to the location of a office building project to check in on his team and get a status report and finds out that building materials arrived are partially damaged during transport and some of the welders are sick.

 With Desktop Project Management Software

 Your supervisor will take pictures of the damage and hire temporary workers to takeplace of the sick welders and will drive back to the office for updating that information  in the project management system. It will cost you a day of labor and delaying the construction further.


With Mobile Project Management App

Your supervisor will be able to immediately update that information into the resource management tool of the mobile project management app on his smart device be it her    tablet or palm top. It speeds up the process and makes everything easy and faster.

  • Strengthening Team Communication

For instance, consider that you are working for an e-commerce website that deals with organic knitting supplies. While showing the site to one of your friends on Saturday on your phone you notice that it has been down for two hours which may cost hundreds of dollars in sales.


With desktop project management software

As Sunday office remains closed, working with desktop project management software is a complete loss. You will need to call your manager, ask them to find someone who can sit and work on the site on Sunday, which is challenging and causing you spend    thousands of dollars in lost sales.

With mobile project management app

Once you notice that the site is down you can use the collaboration tool of your mobile project management app  and send an alert to all your employees immediately that the site is down. You tech team will resolve the issue within an hour and put the site back online!


  • Easy to Update

Mobile project management apps are easier to update as compared to the desktop management software as it comes with automatic app updates and mobile optimization features.


KL iTech specializes in providing software solutions like mobile project management systems and more to enhance business operations. For more information call us at +91 99406-68885 or visit our website  .


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